Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
Palin, Naughty or Not? Results are in.... NOT!
Let's face it, the American culture and structure of our society is very unstable right now. We've been on a steady decline for some time. The Republicans and Democrats are to blame, they are both there, both are looking at the bills, the reports, and seeing the responses of the American people.
There is no quick fix to our situation, but the time for band-aids is over. Our government needs an intense and critical overhaul. Many in America pay more attention to the Operations of Fortune 500 companies than they do our government. Why is that? When did the American people become so disengaged? Or did they just stop listening to us?
Governments and the backbone of "law and order" within any society must also change and adapt. What we've seen is the gap between our changing society and the unchanging of our government. There is a big disconnect and it's not going to be easy to fix.
Both sides have some positives and some negatives, obviously. I'm a democrat and I'm an Obama/Biden supporter. They give me hope. They give me a sense of security. They give me the feeling that they might be able to begin to bridge that gap. With that said, I'm a realist; I know he won't be able to fix everything in a single term (if ever, really). But, what I am hopeful for is some progressive growth in the right direction.
Our nation has been shamed. We have lost our position of power. We have lost the respect of our brother and sister nations. We are a people torn by misalignment on major issues and petty bickering on the minor ones.
As a woman, I am ashamed of Palin. If I attending a corporate meeting, do you know what would happen if I just plastered a smile on my face, winked at my co-workers and rambled on about topics that were not on the agenda? Well, I’d probably not be invited back to meetings on that topic and I may find an HR rep standing near me mentioning what is and isn’t appropriate behavior in the work place. Then when performance review came around, being prepared, engaged, knowledgeable and being a contributing member to company productivity would probably receive low scores – because I did not exhibit any of those necessary traits.
Stop and think about that for a moment. If that was your supervisor talking to you in a team meeting, who just winked at you and smiled and ignored your questions – would you trust her? Would you be a satisfied and motivated employee?
This is no pageant with a tiara, this is a highly important role within our culture and society. An individual to represent us. To guide us. To help shape the future of our nation. A person to stand in and keep us strong should our President die or become incapacitated. Do you think she’s capable?
Is her behavior what we want in a representative not only as a government official in international affairs, but to represent our country as the first female Vice President?
Is that really how we want other nations to view the female population of the United States? That we are airheads that are pretty to look at but lack the ability for critical thought and eloquent execution of communication? That we can’t think on our own? That we can’t quickly think of the New York Times (or Time, or Newsweek, or shoot… how about CNN????) as a worthy newsource? That we can’t think of a single Supreme Court case to offer debate on rulings?
Women of our nation have come far in the world. This is not the time to take steps backward.
I will be at the polls on election day supporting Obama and Biden. They have my respect. I do have a sense of hope with them. That is what we need. We need hope. We need to feel engaged with our government. What we need to do as a nation is fight for our government. If you support McCain/Palin, that is your right and I respect your choices. But I urge everyone, no matter their side to stand up and vote. Now more than ever the American people need to show the government how serious we are.
When the Real Life side of the scale tips...
For those of us who like to refer to themselves as Gamers, there tends to come a time when the level of gaming addiction or obsession reaches a burn out pinnacle. For some the lure of VW’s and fantasy pulls away from real life.
Some gamers are fortunate to keep RL and Gaming Life separate. For 10 years I was fortunate to have a very nice balance between my real life time and my “fun” time. For the last year and a half, I’ve been completely addicted to Second Life.
The stimulation, creativity, social aspects, so much of it met so many of my needs. Unfortunately, my balance slipped and I crossed the line from RL to SL. I spent every free moment in SL. I grew attached to people. Those people started meaning more to me than the people from my RL.
So, the time has come for a forced break from Second Life. It’s been two weeks now and I’ve been able to resist the temptation of logging in. I miss my friends, more than anything else. I admit to definitely missing the shopping as well.
It's difficult to think that I'll not ever come back. I suppose I will just have to wait and see what life has in store for me.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Yes, Somebody Is Home...
I saw the new member, Arabesque Baroque and hopped over to her fashion blog and saw a link to her new blog that will list her Second Life adventures. I read her post, Is Anybody Home?
And it made me think back over the past of my Second Life. Yes, I'm a reinvented Second Lifer, like a few others. I remember my first month in Second Life and finding a "job" as a dancer in a club... as soon as I had a job, what did I do? I ran out and rented an apartment! And then went shopping! I partnered with a fellow and together we went through three homes. One was an oriental themed, one was a beach/safari theme, and our last home together was a giant ass castle.
I enjoyed decorating all of them. Naturally, I needed different furnishings and decor for each style of home we had. One thing though, and this is what I think Arabesque is alluding to, or perhaps I'm just off on my own tangent... is that it is lonely in a home on a sim when no one else is home. What do you do in an empty SL home if you aren't a builder or designer?
Does it feel a need of social togetherness to have a home but never be there or with "neighbors"? Is there a sense of community in owning a home?
For me, that sense of community is extremely important. If I wanted to be lonely, I'd sit on my couch and watch People's Court. Friends make Second Life exciting and fun, at least for me. I'm very social, very friendly, and I love to help people.
I met Rafe nearly hours after I came into SL as this version of myself. He had the Voice Sex group and tended to hang out with most of his friends at Devotion club. When we learned that Devotion might be on its way out of SL, we looked around for another spot to have our gang hang out in. Our friend, Anais, gratiously let us use some of her land to build a hang out club.
Because I was a reinvention, I had some funds and assets in SL that I just wanted to reuse and get some new land and maybe build a social area or shopping area. Rafe and I teamed up and worked together to build Incubus. It started as a small idea and turned into us owning 3/4 of an Open Sim and building shopping areas and a social hang out area.
For us, this is one facet of our community and our Second Life. It's important to us to socialize and be with our friends. First, we are both very sexual and open with that sexuality. Being sluts is such fun. Arousing people, building desire, sharing the passion.... we are totally into it.
Beyond that, with our friends, we want to know how they are. We want to know what's troubling them. We want to see what interests them. We will sometimes go shopping as a group 4, 5, or 6 of us... sometimes we'll all work on a project, each of us bringing a skill or idea to the table. Sometimes we just sit and talk about tiny empires and lament on yet another missed festival.
So, to end my long and probably boring, rambling... My home is where my friends are. Whether it's at Incubus, or Bound & Determined, or Fishing, or Shopping...
Hump Day! Hail Mighty Phallic Symbol

He’s a fabulous designer and I was mumbling, ok, complaining a little about the sculptie columns I had and how they weren’t very good and that I wanted a square one, not a round one. Cyphien came to the rescue and quickly made me a fabulous square sculptie pillar and even textured it for me.
He also made a cute little tshirt with the Incubus logo on it and the phrase, “I fucked Cherith” on the back. We plan on giving it to everyone who plays with her in voice. There are already quite a few we’ll have to send it off to. For those of you who don’t know, she’s our sub that we let any of the group members use.
Anyway, I can’t wait to use my new pillar.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
New Friends are Always Fun!

Monday, September 8, 2008
Auction Coming Up!
Prior to the beginning to the auction, two girls will play together in voice and cum together.
The auction will start at 8pm SLT Friday. Deals of when the offered activities will happen are between the auctionee and winning bidder.
Following the auction everyone is welcome to stay and socialize with the great people in the Voice Sexhibitionists group. Just to wet your appetite here is a sampling of who will be up for auction....
Rafe Clarey, Keaira Skytower, Cherith Anatra
Get those lindens together and if you have any questions please IM Rafe Clary or Keaira Skytower or Cherith Anatra.
Monday Distractions
After seeing some "plurks" on those blogs and reading a post by someone that I forgot to take note of... Anyway, I decided to check it out too, cause I'm a nut. It does seem a lot like Twitter and I don't really get the point of Twitter. Anyway, I'm sure I'll play with it for a day or two and then completely forget about it. That's how I roll.
Then I was back on SL Bloggers and checking out the new members and flipped over to Newdoll Nikolaidis' Flickr stream and got distracted by one of those lovely blog gizmos. So I just had to do it. Let's see, this is the tarot card it says I am. I'm sure it's a highly technical and refined system and can trust it completely.
You are The Empress
Beauty, happiness, pleasure, success, luxury, dissipation.
The Empress is associated with Venus, the feminine planet, so it represents,
beauty, charm, pleasure, luxury, and delight. You may be good at home
decorating, art or anything to do with making things beautiful.
The Empress is a creator, be it creation of life, of romance, of art or business. While the Magician is the primal spark, the idea made real, and the High Priestess is the one who gives the idea a form, the Empress is the womb where it gestates and grows till it is ready to be born. This is why her symbol is Venus, goddess of beautiful things as well as love. Even so, the Empress is more Demeter, goddess of abundance, then sensual Venus. She is the giver of Earthly gifts, yet at the same time, she can, in anger withhold, as Demeter did when her daughter, Persephone, was kidnapped. In fury and grief, she kept the Earth barren till her child was returned to her.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
When days are very, very good....

Saturday, September 6, 2008
Meet Puddles, my little puppy

My friend, Sexi, has the cutest little kitty on her shoulder that will jump out and scratch anyone who touches it. It's so cute. Anyway, we went over to XD Fusion and I simply had to get myself a little friendly puppy.
I have named him, Puddles. Isn't he cute? He's absolutely adorable. His sister, Pebbles, lays around in a box all day. If you click on Puddles he'll jump off, run over to you, and hump your leg!
He's such a good puppy.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Gothic Doll

Hair Fair Freebie Find #2
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Hey, it's porn, it can't be all bad!
Which said:
"Congratulations you are about to recieve the PornHUD. The best device to watch porn in SL. And it is 100% FREE!You will get access to well over 100 high quality SEX pictures and links to the video's of these pictures per catagory!"
You can get it here
Anyway, it's full perms. You wear the little doodad and it pops up a giant picture of a naked girl sucking on something fun. Course, you click it and it takes you too a website. And you definitely don't want to put it on if impressionable young minds happen to wander by your computer.
So, I probably won't be using it. But, it's something I'll probably pass around.
BDSMatch Matching Services

We provide this service free of charge to you because enjoy helping and meeting new people. We expect nothing from you except honesty. It is our goal to identify what are the critical things you are looking for in a match and then as an objective third-party, help you find someone compatible with those critical things.
We believe in the personal touch, we will not ask you to fill out a lengthy notecard. If you would like for us to work with you in finding a match, simply IM Rafe Clary or Keaira Skytower with your name, gender, and position (D/s, etc). We will schedule a brief, in-world, appointment with you.
A Hair Fair Goodie!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Deceit in Second Life

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
About Naughty Or Not.
I can't spend 24/7 in Second Life, unfortunately, so I thought in my off hours I'd just share my thoughts, opinions, and the things that are happening in my little part of the metaverse. Naturally, I started this on a Tuesday. Tuesday is the day of the week I set aside for real life and to force myself to take a day off from my obsessions and addictions.
I'm backdating a few items as I'm just going to set them up as links in my sidebar, so should you happen to come across this page, it was started on Tuesday, September 2nd and I look forward to titillating your interests with the things I share!
So whether you are naughty or not, it doesn't really matter, because here I come!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Current Events at Incubus
A group of those damned Hellions and Demons decided to enjoy themselves racing around Incubus. Race cars, motorcycles, hover crafts, if it moves, they've been on it. Flying and racing around all day and night. It's enough to cause a gal to go homicidal. They've finally gone, but they've left a mess to clean up. I keep finding these oil cans littered all over the place and none of them are empty! I'll tell you what, You come pick up the litter and you can keep whatever you find inside.
13 oil cans are littered about on the lands of Incubus on Akbal. Inside are plenty of fun freebies: some are oldies but goodies... some are brand new creations, made just for this hunt. In one lucky can is a prize ticket. If you find the lucky can, fill out the prize ticket and follow the instructions. Two cans are holders of "golden tickets" You find it, fill out the card inside, and drop it off at the castle. One prize is a Carducci bike of your choice. One prize is a custom shape and skin consultation with Bodies by Caresse.
This scavenger hunt runs from August 30th - September 6th.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Incubus: Heart of a Demon

Voice Sexhibitionists: A Second Life Group
Voice Sexhibitionist Group
The VS Group is for mature, consenting adults who enjoy Voice Sex. Either by listening to others perform or by performing themselves. Rafe Clary is the creator of the group. The group is set to invitation only to protect our current members and to ensure that all new members are aware of the rules and expectations for the group.
There are approximately 170 members to this group. Activities can range from impromptu sessions between a man and woman to scheduled events such as contests for members. In the past we have had member auctions, parties, etc. The group is very social. The group is free, performances are free, if you are a member and are charged by another member, let Rafe or Keaira know, asap.
To join the group:
1. Contact Rafe Clary or Keaira Skytower
2. You must show us that you have voice capabilities. You will need your mic or headset enabled so that you can chat with us in voice. We do this for two reasons:
a. Make sure you have voice & know how to use it
b. Confirm your gender matches your avatar or that you communicate with us honestly on your preferences
We have nothing against a man in a woman’s avatar, as long as he does not use a voice changer and is honest and upfront about that. We do not like deceit or dishonesty and misleading members by presenting yourself as something you are not will get you kicked.
4. You agree to abide by our one rule. “Do NOT scroll through the member list and IM members you do not know.” Period. End of Story. This is not an escort group. This is not a spam group. You meet other group members by participating in activities, coming to performances, chatting in group chat, etc. If you want to play, then send a call out to the group or a text to the group. Once you know someone then it is different, but do not contact people you don’t know to solicit them for sex.
5. Perform for the group. Sometime during the first few weeks, you must perform with someone in voice in open voice (not a private call) and someone else from the group should be invited to listen. If none of the group members are available to come and listen, then the participants can go to any public sex place and perform there. We have plenty of men and women who love to help out new members with this requirement.
Home base of the VS group is found at Incubus Castle: