I was surfing through new members on the
Second Life Bloggers social group on ning. I like to do that as it's a great way to find interesting blogs and I also think it's a nice way to welcome people to the network. Nothing like link love :)
I saw the new member, Arabesque Baroque and hopped over to her
fashion blog and saw a link to her new blog that will list her Second Life adventures. I read her post,
Is Anybody Home?
And it made me think back over the past of my Second Life. Yes, I'm a reinvented Second Lifer, like a few others. I remember my first month in Second Life and finding a "job" as a dancer in a club... as soon as I had a job, what did I do? I ran out and rented an apartment! And then went shopping! I partnered with a fellow and together we went through three homes. One was an oriental themed, one was a beach/safari theme, and our last home together was a giant ass castle.
I enjoyed decorating all of them. Naturally, I needed different furnishings and decor for each style of home we had. One thing though, and this is what I think Arabesque is alluding to, or perhaps I'm just off on my own tangent... is that it is lonely in a home on a sim when no one else is home. What do you do in an empty SL home if you aren't a builder or designer?
Does it feel a need of social togetherness to have a home but never be there or with "neighbors"? Is there a sense of community in owning a home?
For me, that sense of community is extremely important. If I wanted to be lonely, I'd sit on my couch and watch People's Court. Friends make Second Life exciting and fun, at least for me. I'm very social, very friendly, and I love to help people.
I met Rafe nearly hours after I came into SL as this version of myself. He had the Voice Sex group and tended to hang out with most of his friends at Devotion club. When we learned that Devotion might be on its way out of SL, we looked around for another spot to have our gang hang out in. Our friend, Anais, gratiously let us use some of her land to build a hang out club.
Because I was a reinvention, I had some funds and assets in SL that I just wanted to reuse and get some new land and maybe build a social area or shopping area. Rafe and I teamed up and worked together to build Incubus. It started as a small idea and turned into us owning 3/4 of an Open Sim and building shopping areas and a social hang out area.
For us, this is one facet of our community and our Second Life. It's important to us to socialize and be with our friends. First, we are both very sexual and open with that sexuality. Being sluts is such fun. Arousing people, building desire, sharing the passion.... we are totally into it.
Beyond that, with our friends, we want to know how they are. We want to know what's troubling them. We want to see what interests them. We will sometimes go shopping as a group 4, 5, or 6 of us... sometimes we'll all work on a project, each of us bringing a skill or idea to the table. Sometimes we just sit and talk about tiny empires and lament on yet another missed festival.
So, to end my long and probably boring, rambling... My home is where my friends are. Whether it's at Incubus, or Bound & Determined, or Fishing, or Shopping...