Saturday, August 30, 2008

Current Events at Incubus

A group of those damned Hellions and Demons decided to enjoy themselves racing around Incubus. Race cars, motorcycles, hover crafts, if it moves, they've been on it. Flying and racing around all day and night. It's enough to cause a gal to go homicidal. They've finally gone, but they've left a mess to clean up. I keep finding these oil cans littered all over the place and none of them are empty! I'll tell you what, You come pick up the litter and you can keep whatever you find inside.



13 oil cans are littered about on the lands of Incubus on Akbal. Inside are plenty of fun freebies: some are oldies but goodies... some are brand new creations, made just for this hunt. In one lucky can is a prize ticket. If you find the lucky can, fill out the prize ticket and follow the instructions. Two cans are holders of "golden tickets" You find it, fill out the card inside, and drop it off at the castle. One prize is a Carducci bike of your choice. One prize is a custom shape and skin consultation with Bodies by Caresse.

This scavenger hunt runs from August 30th - September 6th.

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